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small web gig

Hello list,
My dear friend Peter Barton is a documentary filmmaker whose been
asked to make one or more short videos for an immigration lawyer’s website.
He needs someone to do a slight redesign for the website
to incorporate the video/s he will shoot for it and upload the videos.
I’ve pasted the info. below. Please contact Peter directly at
if you are interested.
>>I have an opportunity to make a video for an immigration lawyer’s website.
>>He wants a video intro that would pop on when you reach the site: a
>>man and/or woman saying: “Our firm welcomes you, offers you….”.
>>Probably less than a minute. Maybe against a blue screen with a
>>picture of the statue of liberty in the background.
>>I could do the video, but I’d need help inserting it in his site.
>>The site is :
>>I notice the site has pages in 4 languages. Not sure he’ll want a
>>video for each language. He’s Haitian himself. Interesting guy.
>>Always a pleasure

Susan Finley
Executive Director,
The Producers’ Project

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