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INTERN: Unicast

> In case anyone at ITP might be interested, Unicast is offering an
> internship. Lunch and transportation are paid. 20 hours of work a
> week are required. Will provide the opportunity to work with
> platform and client-side (flash extensions) design.
> Interested parties may respond to me directly. It is in lovely
> midtown manhattan. 205 w 39th st.
> thanks –
> Michael Tuminello –
> Intern Responsibilities
> Responsibilities within projects will cover work in the areas of
> visual design, interaction design, requirements gathering and user
> research. Depending on individual skills and interests, you will
> focus the majority of your time in at least one of the following
> areas:
> # Conduct end-user research to explore, uncover, analyze real user
> requirements, and capture them in user requirements specifications
> # Promote the synthesis of end-user design research into effective
> and engaging visual communication pieces including visual design of
> the UI and its documentation
> # Engage collaboratively with team members in written requirements,
> prototype scenario development, flow charting and wire framing of
> the user experience
> Ideal Candidate Profile
> The three internship positions will require candidates to
> distinguish themselves in the following areas depending on
> individual expertise.
> # Proven track record of out-of-the-box, innovative thinking and
> design
> # Helpful skills include flow charting user experience, data
> visualization, typography/layout (wire framing), sketching (story
> boarding, scenarios, rough layouts, mock-ups), technical writing
> (software requirements, user documentation) and user interaction
> design (icons, interface elements)
> # Passion for end-user focused software applications design and
> development with an appreciation and empathy for the entire
> software design process
> # Strong communication skills and the ability to effectively engage
> and convey ideas to cross-functional technical and non-technical teams
> # Perspectives on current visual design trends, their impact on
> software design and end user interaction, and their implications
> for the design and development of software
> # Familiarity with Agile development methodology a plus
> # Degree in one of the following preferred: Visual Design, Graphics
> Design, Interaction Design, Interface Design, Product Design, Human
> Factors Engineering, Industrial Design, Human Computer Interaction
> or related programs

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