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[FT Job] Development Operations Coordinator

This is for recent grads and alumni since it is a full time position.=A0=

Human Rights Watch is looking for a new Development and Operati=
ons Coordinator.=A0 They are looking for someone with Kintera and Raisers&#3=
9; Edge experience (a CMS and a database common in the non-profit sector).=
=A0 Even if you don't have specific experience in these tools, some gene=
ral experience with CMS's and databases and the tech savvy of an ITP gra=
d should suffice.

Let me know if you are interested in applying.=A0 I can put in a=
good word for ITPers and answer any questions since I worked at HRW for a y=
ear before coming to ITP.=A0 It's a good place to work and "do good=
" in the world.=A0 They have good benefits too.

See the full job description here:

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