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[job] WordPress Design Project

Thought =
I'd pass this freelance opportunity along for all you WP nerds in case s=
omeone's interested. And it pays!

Reply directly through job pos=

e is some info on our WP project:

Our Current site:
Job Posting

More detailed info (fro=
m our business manager):

We are maintaining o=
ur current relationship with the group that manages our e-commerce platform =
and developing a new home page originating from the WordPress platform; our =
oscommerce site will be available through the home page via a link and navig=
ation, as well as through content from various locations on the WordPress pa=

I=92ve attached a general site map showing=
how we plan to operate the overall web experience =96 note the areas under =
Shop and To The Trade will operate in oscommerce, while the balance will be =
created using WordPress and templates we create to control the content.

Look and feel of the home page will remain=
consistent to our current site (
gt; ) and our design director will work with the development of the site in =
supplying any artwork or supporting visual collateral to allow for developme=

We are using WordPress as we want to creat=
e content pages beyond the basic blog (but including a blog) and provide for=
more content and interaction to our site. We are considering the addition o=
f BuddyPress to the site as part of second iteration.=A0

We are starting on the update of our oscommerce =
site immediately and would like to begin this project within the next few we=
eks so we can re-launch the new site by September 1st. I am looking to secur=
e quotes over the next week and determine the final selection within 2 weeks=
, so let me know if you have any other questions and we can review further.

Ps. Budget =96 I believe we are getting quotes in the 3,000-4,000 dolla=
r range to set this up.

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