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JOB: Apple looking for people with Arduino skills



Job description
Requisition Number

Job title

User Inteface Designer / Prototyper

Santa Clara Valley



Job type
Full Time
Job description
The Human Interface Device Prototyping group at Apple is looking for a User Interface Designer / Prototyper. We’re a small, unique group at Apple composed of hybrid designers / engineers. We work on the long-term vision for human interface technologies and user experience across all of Apple’s products.
Invent – We come up with novel ideas for how new hardware technologies can improve the user experience. You should have a passion for building new things and running with ideas.
Design- You should have a proficiency in illustration, an understanding of user interface principles, a sensitivity to typography and color, a general awareness of materials / textures, and a practical grasp of physics and animation.

Prototype – We build working, interactive prototypes to test, explain, and explore ideas. Our process includes sketching, pixel-perfect mockups, animations, code, electronics, and models. You should be able to explore ideas at many different levels of fidelity, and in the end, produce real software we can interact with.

Collaborate – We work with people all over Apple: UI designers, industrial designers, engineers, marketing, and executives. You should be comfortable working in a studio environment and participating in individual and group critiques.
Present – A big part of what we do is demonstrate our prototypes and explain our designs. You should be comfortable speaking to your work in front of small and large groups.
A portfolio of innovative designs, with working prototypes or implementations.

Possible degrees / backgrounds:
Human Computer Interaction, Interaction Design, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Art, Computer Science, or Electrical Engineering
Required skills:
– sketching / storyboarding of UIs
– visual design using Photoshop, Illustrator, or similar tools
– coding interactive user interfaces using Objective-C, Action Script, Processing, C/C++, OpenGL, OpenFrameworks, or other environments
Nice to have experience with- designing multi-touch interfaces
– electronics (Arduino, Make Controller, Phidgets, microcontrollers, sensors, etc.)
– rapid prototyping (hand tools, plastic, cardboard, 3D printing, laser cutter, etc.)
– 3D graphics, motion graphics, traditional or special effects animation
– signal processing (simple filters, thresholds, basic heuristics, etc.)