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Music Trivia Game – Job Op

I have created a music trivia game show, which I’d also like to create a board game version of.  And I would like to enlist the help of one or more students withgraphic and technical skills in ITP to help me make the visuals happen on screen, and possibly create the board game as well.

My needs are basically logistical.  For example, when a contestant chooses a category, I would like for that block or circle to blink, spin, flip, or make a noise, etc..  I am without the technical skills or tools to execute these actions myself.  Therefore, I’m hoping that in collaboration with a student or students, I could achieve my goals.

Anyone helping to develop either of these will be listed in the credits.

The game show is to be aired on BronxNet Comnunity TV, which I will be producing myself.  My goal is to have the show ready for airing this coming first quarter of 2011.

I would appreciate any guidance you could offer in this regard.  I can be reached via email or phone at: 646-575-0917.

Thank you,

Jacqueline P. Howell