Assistant Professor: Studio Art: New Genres
Job Description:
The Department of Art and Art History at Mills College invites applications for an Assistant Professor, full-time, tenure-track in Studio Art: New Genres, to begin August, 2012. We seek candidates with experience teaching installation, video, film, audio, performance, digital, hybrid, and emerging art forms. The successful candidate will be encouraged to develop and situate artistic practices conceptually, and employ new tools and technology in an effort to express ideas in the most appropriate manner regardless of preexisting definitions. Interdisciplinary collaboration, sociopolitical dialogue, and critique will be among the issues to be addressed in studio classes, lectures, and critiques.
The successful candidate will be required to teach undergraduate and graduate level courses and mentor students within the context of an interdisciplinary art program at Mills. The successful candidate will also be responsible for maintaining an active professional practice nationally and internationally. Because teaching will include undergraduate studio courses, candidates must demonstrate proficiency in the technical as well as theoretical and historical aspects of their field(s). Demonstrable skills and techniques will be thoroughly integrated into the conceptual frameworks of professional practice. Applicants must hold terminal degrees in their respective fields, and must demonstrate a strong record of excellence in teaching and scholarship/creative work. The successful candidate will be expected to play an important role in undergraduate academic programs, both within the Department of Art and Art History and in cooperation with the college at large.