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JOB: Looking for Creative Social Media Interactive Technology Designers/Programmers

Im getting in touch because we are taking a live rock/theater/interactive show Fornicated From the Beatles to the next level with integrated technology and we are looking for the right partner to work with us.  What if you went to see a rock show and while the band sets up you receive texts from fans around the club? What if the band begins to rock and all of a sudden between the songs you could hear the thoughts of fans around you?  Fornicated From the Beatles is an experience of technology, live music, and the stories of 30-somethings looking for their moment to come together.
This past May we premiered the first draft of this show In Boston and New York to sold out crowds and now we are developing the next phase.  We incorporate a live show with a different band each night with individual texting.  Our audiences were nuts for our first draft – stories criss-crossing and rocking while dance, texts, and the crazy shit we do at a bar popped up all around them.  But now this new phase of technology we want to launch brings us to some interesting problems and we need a technical minded partner to help solve them.
Here is how the show will work…an audience buys a ticket online the week before and are emailed the bios of ten “fans.”  Each audience member gets to pick fans to follow and then an individual texting conversation begins for the to a week before the event.  To add a level of ease for the performers, since we expect around 250 people per event, this texting will be monitored and responded to by both the performer and their intern shadows, or “invisibles” as we are calling them.  We have some ideas on where to start, but this is a large project that we need help solving in an eloquent and possibly mobile way.
We are also looking to add live commenting and video streaming during the event. The live video will come from the current venue and any other venues that are performing a similar show in another venue. Our goal is to have the video and commenting, which will probably be twitter, projected in the current venue and any other venues as well as on the web.This allows the show to function inside and outside the event and in conversation with simultaneous productions of different bands.  This cross promotes bands in different cities and makes the event larger through the social media conversation. And then we want the audience  to upload their pictures and videos of the event on our website in real time.  A live documentation and conversation of the event.
As the show progresses and the technology and show entwine we also want the ability to suddenly limit the amount of cellphone and wireless activity in the air. The current thought is to find a club that has limited cell service and boost the signal so that we have control over shutting it off during the show.
We need a creative technology designer and programmer to bring all of this to life. We have a good idea of what can be done, but we are looking for a person who can help us figure out the best way it could be as well as any other ideas you might have of making this event more socially interactive that we haven’t thought of. We are obviously looking for a person who is web and technology savvy with some programming skills.
This show integrates technology and live performance in a way that is new and exciting, but we need your help to develop the best platforms. If you would like to know more about it and how we can work together or you know of a person who would like to work on something like this contact me, Mikhael at We are launching this this fall and are looking to find someone as soon as possible.  We look forward to hearing from you.

–  Mikhael Tara Garver – Artistic Director