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JOB: Photography Nerd Needed

Entry-level, part-time photography technical nerd needed. Must demonstrate existing proficiency with Lightroom3 as the whole business is based around it. Must be fluent in Photoshop and understand the Lightroom-to-Photoshop-to-

Lightroom round trip. You need to know the difference between capture sharpening and output sharpening, why “300ppi” rarely makes sense, be able to install and use an .icc color profile for custom CMYK conversions, and have sRGB, AdobeRGB and ProPhotoRGB down cold. It’s a given that you are a longtime power Mac user who knows how to fix the stupid Mac things that pop up from time to time and that you can use ftp and basic utilities without thinking about them.

We are a busy architectural and interior photography studio and shoot everything on location. We keep a small dark office in Jersey City a block from the PATH, full of cables, hardrives and a vintage pinball machine where you will be doing all this, often alone, while the shoots are happening elsewhere. I’m an ITP grad and obsessive about maintaining technical proficiency, the business runs on the latest of everything and I need someone who can keep up. Could lead to full-time by the beginning of the year.


“The City’s Top Real Estate Photographer” says The NY Daily News

My new book: “New York City at Night”
Published by Thunder Bay. At bookstores or

Evan Joseph Images Inc.
Interior * Architectural * Lifestyle