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[JOB] Appointment in Creative Technologies, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand



Research and teaching in the Interdisciplinary Unit within the Faculty of Design and Creative Technologies. This will include the delivery of an innovative, high-quality educational programme that meets the needs of undergraduate and postgraduate students, industry and professional groups.

Client Benefit Statement

To develop and deliver papers for the Interdisciplinary Unit. The appointee will also provide mentorship and advice for students on all programmes offered by the Unit. In addition to teaching, it is expected that the appointee will conduct quality research and provide supervision to students at both the undergraduate and postgraduate level. To support students in developing their thinking, communicating, problem solving, teamwork and practical skills, and curriculum skills and subject knowledge they need to succeed in academia and the workplace.

Relationships and Linkages – Internal

– Director of the Interdisciplinary Unit.

– Programme Leader, Bachelor of Creative Technologies.

– Interdisciplinary Unit Office Manager and staff.

– Faculty of Design and Creative Technologies Staff, students and visitors.


Relationships and Linkages – External

– Industry representatives.

– Professional associations.


Key Accountabilities

– Develop, deliver and implement programmes and curricula using a range of interactive teaching strategies appropriate to the design of specific papers.

– Research, select, plan, write, record, design, prepare and evaluate resources.

– Establish, undertake and develop an appropriate personal research programme.

– Offer undergraduate and postgraduate supervision in areas of expertise.

– Develop collaborative linkages with other faculty members, research groups, industry and external stakeholders.

– Carry out administrative tasks that support research and student learning.

– Contribute to the quality management systems and strategic planning and processes in the Faculty.

Key Tasks and Expected Results

1. Develop, deliver and implementation of appropriate programme curriculum.

– Ensure new and existing programmes of learning are designed, enhanced, implemented, and evaluated in accordance with agreed Faculty standards and plans.

– Programmes for the assessment of student learning are planned, implemented and evaluated in a timely manner.

– Results are finalised on time and deadlines are met.

– Current industry trends are identified and incorporated into curriculum reviews of student learning and assessment.

– Liaise with appropriate professional organisations in order to achieve curriculum development.

– Actively contribute to activities associated with the academic development of the Interdisciplinary Unit and Faculty of Design and Creative Technologies.

– Focus skills on team performance, achievement of organisational goals and objectives.

– Maintain an active contribution to the broader academic and professional life of the university.

– Ensure timely attendance at School and university meetings, and reporting of outcomes from discussions.

2. Engage in sound teaching for effective student learning.

– Select and apply teaching and/or learning strategies consistent with individual student learning needs.

– Interact with students’ responses to course materials to provide prompt positive and informed feedback to students.

– Assess and give appropriate, informed teaching comment on student responses.

– Develop and administer effective assessment procedures which comply with programme outcomes and relevant regulations.

– Monitor the progress of students.

– Evaluate, assess, and report on student progress.

– Provide assessment results to programme administrator.

– Assist students with academic matters outside timetabled teaching hours as necessary.

3. Undertake research within the Faculty of Design and Creative Technologies.

– Actively contribute to activities associated with the research development of the Interdisciplinary Unit.

– Promote research and scholarship within the Faculty and wider University.

– Produce research outputs in refereed conferences and journals annually, in negotiation with the Director.

– Participate in research projects and programmes.

– Contribute to and participate in the implementation of the Unit’s and Faculty’s Research Strategic Plan.

– Facilitate linkages with academic and other relevant organisations locally, nationally and internationally to foster research within the Faculty.

– Supervise postgraduate students, research and mentor other thesis supervisors as determined with the Director.

– Carry out administrative duties associated with research outputs and activities.

4. Perform administration tasks that support student learning.

– Perform administrative responsibilities integral to an academic role.

– Obtain and maintain full records of particulars and progress on students.

– Provide records with timely student results as required.

– Report outcomes from discussions/meetings.

– Maintain academic standards to AUT and CUAP set levels.

– Complete internal and external moderation as required.

– Participate in, and comply with, assessment policy, validation and quality control procedures.

5. Engage in professional development.

– Keep professionally up-to‐date through personal and professional development.

– Knowledge and skills are developed and maintained for competent performance of current position.

– An Individual Development Plan is agreed and implemented.

– Participate in relevant conferences, seminars, in‐house and external training courses.

– Maintain a current awareness of issues and trends affecting the areas to be taught through reading relevant journals and academic materials.

– Demonstrate strong motivation to continually update knowledge.

6. Contribute to the efficient operation of a high performing team.

– Contribute positively to the effective outcomes of work team(s).

– Contribute to the quality management systems and strategic planning and processes in the Unit and the Faculty.

– Provide input and feedback on development and maintenance of professional studies.

– Participate in peer appraisals.

– Participate in student appraisals.

– Provide input and feedback through scheduled meetings.

– Undertake other tasks and duties as directed and/or specified from time to time by the Head of School.

– The employee’s professional development plan (Individual Development Plan) is negotiated and reviewed annually with the Director, or designated Programme Leader.

7. Deal effectively with Treaty and Equity Issues.

– Positively demonstrate deeper insights into the principles of equity through personal action, and by providing opportunities for students to reflect on their values and practice.

8. Ensure a healthy and safe work environment.

– Understand health & safety responsibility according to health & safety legislation.

– Understand emergency and evacuation procedures.

– Participate in annual health and safety audit of work.

– Identify and report hazards, consistent with AUT policy and procedures.

Job Complexity

This position involves working independently and/or with groups to develop and deliver courses for the Interdisciplinary Unit and/or the Faculty. It also involves providing significant leadership in research, including publication of results in significant journals and/or conferences, securing grants and providing supervision and mentorship.


Financial: Nil

Staff: There are no staff reporting to this position

Operational: Nil


Formal Qualifications

– Post-graduate qualification in a relevant area or equivalent professional experience.

Knowledge and Skills

– Possess relevant and up-to‐date knowledge in appropriate field.

– Ability to undertake research.

– Possess good interpersonal, written and oral communication skills.

– Ability to work as part of a team.

– Personal organisation and co-ordination skills.

– Clearly articulated educational philosophy.


– Approachable, supportive personality.

– Enthusiastic and self‐motivated.

– Creative in the development of teaching resources and assessment devices.

– Ability to meet deadlines.

– Ability to promote and support creative and lateral thinking.

– Conscientious and well organised.

– Strong attention to detail.

– A team worker.

– Sensitive approach to people from all cultures and walks of life.

– High degree of professional and personal integrity.

– Capable of inspiring and sustaining interests in discipline areas.


For additional information, the following links may also be of interest:

– Auckland University of Technology

– Faculty of Design and Creative Technologies

– Art and Design at AUT

– Creative Technologies at AUT

– Information on Auckland

– Information on New Zealand


Applications close on Friday, 25 November 2011

Contact: Elvira Bobekova, Senior Consultant

Phone: +64 9 379 6900
Fax: +64 9 379 6901
Address: PO Box 106-976
Auckland City Centre 1143
New Zealand

To apply for this position, please forward a detailed copy of your CV, examples of your creative output, and a letter of application outlining your interest and experience in the position, to Elvira Bobekova.