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[JOB or INTERN] Generalist Developers & Data Scientists

Employee #5ish at Skim.Me

Hacker, Ninja, Whiz, Hero, Warlock, Guru, & Rockstar.
Help us add to the list of most hated technical job descriptors.

We’re looking for generalist developers & data scientists to add to our team working on a monster of a problem. Full-time, part-time or as part of an internship.

Where We Work From:

An office on the 8th floor of a NYU building.

Who We’re Looking For:

  • Someone we can trust
  • You love working with different APIs or want to learn
  • Back-end architecture and optimization skills a plus
  • Interest in working with data and on tough machine learning problems, not fairy dust
  • You might have experience working with browser plug-ins or would like to learn
  • You understand the importance of getting stuff done quickly
  • You’re not afraid of taking risks and trying new stuff
  • You communicate effectively
  • You may want to build your own start-up one day

What’s In It For You:

  • Autonomy to build
  • Friends
  • Experience at the inception of something special
  • Hardware upgrade if you need it
  • Flexible schedule and ability to work remotely
  • Free food and beer (will check ID)
  • Real Pre-funding Equity
  • Money
  • Whatever else you need on Maselow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Company Spiel:

We are building underlying technology for the next computing revolution. At the user level, the problem we are tackling involves unintelligent information management. Routine web and app browsing should be smarter across all your devices. Underneath it all, Skim.Me will be the central repository for personalized activity data – your activity graph.

We’re in the process of raising a round of financing.

Who We Really Are:

We are data artists with engineering experience finishing our Master’s and PhD degrees in CS, a front-end developer / designer, and an everything else guy.

Our Stack:

LAMP on a RackSpace Cloud server running CentOS 5.5
On the front-end, JavaScript and HTML5/CSS3

If you’re interested, send a note to wu [at] skim [dot] me and we’ll setup a time to meet.