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[CALL] Codex Dynamic

Codex Dynamic

July 31, 2012 Curated by: Leo Kuelbs + John Ensor Parker
Dumbo Arts Festival; September 28th-30th, 2012

Call To Artists

“Codex Dynamic” is a video projection exhibition presented on the Manhattan Bridge
Anchorage and Archway as part of the 2012 DUMBO Arts Festival. Two site-specific,
large-scale, mapped projections will rotate with a selection of single-channel video art
works presented in gallery-format.

The exhibition seeks to conjure artistic inquiry relating to the subjectivity of space, time
and the effect they have on our perceived reality.

Conceptualization of time has evolved through the ages. Cultural, historical and
technological differences are bridged by the fact that our concept of time has always been
rooted in the natural world. From early observation of the Moon’s cycles and seasonal
changes, to today, as our knowledge of the natural world increases, so does our
understanding of time. The Laws of Relativity provide us the opportunity to speed up,
slow down, go backwards or even stop time; and with Quantum Mechanics, time is said
to be unrelated to space and may simply be a direction at any moment, affording an
object the possibility of simultaneously existing at different places.

Things to Consider:
• Your video run time should be very close to 3 minutes.
• Consider the site and event. The Manhattan Bridge is a DOT site and children and
families will be present.
• Single-channel videos shall have no audio.
• Selected artists will be provided technical guidelines and further instructions.
• Artists interested in submitting their 16:9 single-channel videos for consideration
should upload your password-protected video to Youtube by August 25th. Email link
with password to the below addresses

Leo Kuelbs:
John Ensor Parker: