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[VOLUNTEER] Probono Videographers and Photographers

We are a fast growing volunteer run nonprofit based in north Hudson County, New Jersey.

Our mission is to help immigrants be part of our mainstream. ESL and computer literacy are part of what we do. We have just begun our third academic year. We
are completely volunteer run at this stage. Our student population is now 270
adults. Our team is comprised of 25 professionals. We are working to train
volunteers so that our model is duplicated.

We are located in West New York, New Jersey and serve the surrounding
communities of 210,000. The vast majority (83%) have limited or no English
according to census). At this time we are the only program in the area helping
immigrants be part of our mainstream on a large scale. We do this through English classes and computer literacy classes.

If you would like to explore this further, please feel free to call me directly
on my cell 201 491 3693 or email me at If you are ever in
the area, we would love to host you.

Luis Iza

http://  www.theopendoornjny. com/


http:// www.hudsonreporter.c o m/view/ full_stories_home/ 19603509/article-No-hablo-ingl %C3%A9s-Local-nonpro  fit-teaches-ESL–gives-immigrants-confid ence-?instance=west+ new+york_story_left _ column