The Guest Scholar Program
The Aspen Institute
Communications and Society Program
The Aspen Institute Communications and Society Program invites minority doctoral (or other
advanced graduate program) students to apply for a Guest Scholarship to attend the Twenty-
Eighth Annual Aspen Institute Conference on Communications Policy, August 11-14, 2013. The
conference will take place at the Aspen Meadows Conference Center in Aspen, Colorado.
Twenty-Eighth Annual Aspen Institute Conference on Communications Policy
The Future of Video Regulation.
The 28th Annual Aspen Institute Communications Policy Conference, August 11-14, 2013 in
Aspen, will consider the regulation of video. Video has progressed from a pictorial extension of
radio in the mid-1900’s to an increasingly dominant form of communication in all aspects of
modern life. Today, the uses of video are myriad, ranging from video-conferencing to mass
events such as the Super Bowl. As the art form and method of communication have progressed,
however, the regulatory system has relied on adaptation from earlier eras, distinguishing its
regulatory effect often on the basis of transmission. In a world where all content is one form of
bits in any event, why does it matter? What are the underpinnings for government regulation and
where is it appropriate? This conference will explore the changing nature of video – its sources,
uses, and methods of distribution – to suggest how government(s) should or should not be
involved in its production, distribution, reception or use.
The Guest Scholar should be a U.S. citizen or visa-holding Permanent Resident and a
minority student, based on the definition of minority created by the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission: of African American, Hispanic, Asian, Pacific Island, Native
Alaskan or Native American descent.
Currently enrolled in a Ph.D. or other advanced graduate program at an accredited
college or university; and have attained a cumulative GPA of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale (unweighted)
in Communications, Telecommunications, or a closely related discipline.
The student should have a clearly defined interest in communications policy as evidenced
by published papers, a major research project, or dissertation in the conference topic.
The student must commit to attending the entire conference.
The Guest Scholar will be expected to read the pre-conference materials provided. He or she
will attend all conference sessions as a full participant in the discussion. The Aspen Institute will
pay for roundtrip economy airfare to Aspen, Colorado, meals, and lodging at the Aspen
Meadows Conference Center for the Guest Scholar. The Scholar’s spouse, guest, or children
may travel to and stay at the Aspen Meadows at the Scholar’s expense.
The overall goal of the Communications and Society Program is to addresses the societal
impact of communications and information technologies, and provide a multi-disciplinary
venue for considered judgment on communications policy issues.
The Aspen Institute mission is twofold: to foster values-based leadership, encouraging
individuals to reflect on the ideals and ideas that define a good society, and to provide a neutral
and balanced venue for discussing and acting on critical issues. The Aspen Institute does this
primarily in four ways: seminars, young-leader fellowships around the globe, policy programs,
and public conferences and events. The Institute is based in Washington, DC; Aspen, Colorado;
and on the Wye River on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. It also has an international network of
Current CV or resume
Short statement of interest (no longer than 1 page)
Submit materials to
scholarship/ no later than May 21, 2013.
If you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact:
Ian Smalley
Project Manager
Communications and Society Program
The Aspen Institute
The selected student will be notified on or before June 12, 2013