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[JOB] Software Engineer, NYU Social Media Working Group

From: Rich Bonneau, NYU <>
Software Engineer, NYU Social Media Working Group
The newly formed NYU Social Media Working group is looking for a software engineer to work with a group (with industry and academic participants spanning several institutions and companies) examining how participation in social media sites (such as Twitter,, Facebook) influences political participation in events such as voting and protest. There are spectacular scientific opportunities to those with the tools needed to mine the social web. We need a software engineer that can build databases, primary data acquisition systems, and machine learning engines to enable political scientists and psychologists learn from very large social-media derived datasets (so far the project is mostly written in python, R and javascript).  Candidates for the Software Engineer position must hold a degree in computer science (or be working towards such a degree) and relevant experience.
See the full job description for application details and more information:

See the SMaPP group website: