Hi everybody.
So, as some of you know NYU Shanghai is launching the undergraduate version of ITP, called (as of last week) IMA (Interactive Media Arts).
What We’ve Been Doing:
We arrived 4 weeks ago and are building this from scratch. We have a large room that will serve as both a classroom and a shop that will have digital fabrication equipment (3D printers arrive this week, the laser cutter is on a boat to arrive in October). We have a second room that will serve as our ER (audio/video gear arrived last week) as well as where our bench tools (some have arrived and some all later this autumn) will be located. If you go to: http://mariannerpetit.tumblr.com , scroll down to the bottom and work your way back up in reverse chronological order you can get a sense of it.
It was anticipated that due to other degree requirements and (presumed) interests, enrollment in IMA would be very low this first year. However, the complete opposite has proven to be true. Interest has required us to double our foundation courses, which is great. However. additional resources are required. Classes began today.
So, as of last night we received approval to hire a Resident for IMA here in Shanghai.
What We Need in an IMA Resident:
We need someone with good shop skills (to help us co-build and co-run the lab), as well as physical computing and ICM skills to provide office hours. This is a must. Web and general digital media (video and sound) skills are also a big plus if possible.
The resident should be a responsible person with enthusiasm and energy who is pleasant to work with and who understands that this is an adventure in building something totally new in an institution that didn’t exist until the students arrived 3 weeks ago, in a country with very different procedures and changing laws. (But, so far everyone we work with has been amazing.)
We also want someone who will use this as an opportunity to further their own work and research. There may be times when the hours might be a little long, but I promise that the person who gets hired will also have time for both their work and for exploring Shanghai.
What NYUSH will provide: travel/flight to and from the US (or wherever you are currently located); housing (they have large 3-4 bedroom furnished apartments that are shared with other post-docs, teaching assistants, and graduate assistants); and a stipend of 157500 RMB which is roughly $25,000 (Once housing is taken care of Shanghai is a very affordable city.) This position is for one academic year, effective as soon as possible.
The hire will have to go through NYUSH HR, but I will push for anyone from ITP.
If you’re interested, please send a cover letter and resume to me at marianne.petit@nyu.edu
An extremely important note: According to Chinese law, only those who have had 2 years of FT work experience can apply for a working permit. If you do not have proof of employment (full-time) for two years (on your resume, and it does not mean the *last* two years but somewhere in your work history), it will be suggested that you attend TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) training and then we can present that for the FEC (which is a sort of working permit for faculty and researchers) application. If you have two years FT employment or hold a Chinese passport, you will not need to do that. If you have not worked full-time and still apply, please know that there may be work on your end, not directly related to the position, to get the necessary visa.
Okay. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to email.
Marianne R. Petit
Affiliate Faculty, Interactive Media Arts (IMA) NYUSH: shanghai.nyu.edu
Affiliate Faculty, Interactive Media Arts (IMA) NYUSH: shanghai.nyu.edu
Associate Arts Professor, ITP NYU: itp.nyu.edu