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[CALL] Papers and Proposals: 14th Biennial Symposium on Arts and Technology

General Information – Symposium 2014
The Ammerman Center for Arts and Technology is pleased to present the 14th Biennial Arts and Technology Symposium at Connecticut College, February 27, 28 and March 1, 2014.
The 3 day event focuses on the 2014 theme, “Presence, Immersion and Location”, at the intersection of arts and technology. The symposium will consist of paper sessions, concerts, installations, performances and new works commissioned by the Ammerman Center for Arts and Technology.
Highlights of the symposium will include keynote address by Golan Levin (Director, Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, Carnegie Mellon University) and featured performance “The Language of the Future” by Laurie Anderson, multimedia performance artist. Symposium will include commissioned works, papers, panels, keynote, installations, multimedia performances, a curated gallery and screenings.
Call for Commissioned Works, Curatorial Proposals, Papers, Music Compositions, Art Works, Performance Works, Video and Film
important dates
Sept. 27, 2013: Commission Submission Deadline (Commission Guidelines – pdf)
Oct. 15, 2013: General Submission Deadline
            CALL FOR WORKS:         pdf color version           pdf no color version
Call for Papers, Music Compositions, Art Works, Performance Works, Video and Film
THEME: Presence, Immersion and Location
The symposium brings artists and researchers together to engage, interact and share ideas as they present new works, research and performances in a variety of formats. The symposium will consist of commissioned works, paper sessions, a keynote address, panel discussions, exhibitions, concerts, installations, screenings and multi-media performances, all addressing one or more forms of fusion between technology and the arts. The aim of the symposium is to create a forum for multi-disciplinary dialogue at the intersection of arts and technology and in particular, this year, to discuss issues related to technology and location. Participating theoreticians, artists and researchers are encouraged to relate their work to this theme or to a wider context and engage in critical debate. We are encouraging presenters and artists whose works are being shown or performed to speak about their work at the symposium.
COMMISSIONED WORKS Proposals for new, original, multi-disciplinary works will be accepted for a “Commissioned” category. Each project must be created by a team consisting of two or more members, and must combine at least one area of creative expression with a major technology component. We anticipate awarding a total of 2-3 commissions of up to $3000, and we encourage proposals that incorporate the symposium theme. Commission guidelines are available on the symposium web site. The proposed project must not have been previously published, performed or exhibited. Awards will be granted at the discretion of the Program Committee. Submissions not accepted for the commissioned category may also be reviewed for the general submissions category upon request of the submitting team. Curatorial proposals for an exhibition in a gallery located in downtown New London are also welcome. The proposal should include descriptions of works to be displayed at the exhibit, people involved, and an outline of the logistics. The exhibition will open during the symposium and will stay open for several weeks. You may want to contact us for a preliminary discussion of space, logistics and needs before submitting a commission request of this nature.
The Ammerman Center seeks submissions in the general areas of creative and performative use of new technologies; compositional and artistic processes; innovative uses of common technologies in the arts; new media art; interactivity; new media and critical discourse; interactive design; technology in arts education, as well as all interdisciplinary topics in arts and technology including but not restricted to combinations of: art, music, video, film, theater, dance, immersive and interactive systems, algorithms, computational methods, and hybrid technologies.
For all of the arts categories, we encourage works, through their form and content, demonstrate critical engagement with the methods and impact of current developments in science, technology and techno-culture. A few specific categories of submissions are described below to give a sense of the nature of work we have included in the past but we encourage submission of all types of interdisciplinary and/or collaborative works. All submissions will be completed online through our symposium web site. Detailed instructions for electronic submission will be available on that site. Every submission should include related media files and the following in a single pdf document: names of proposers, their affiliations, one-page description of the work, presentation format and a list of accompanying media. Please see the submission page for acceptable formats and limits on file size.
Papers should address scholarly work in areas related to arts and technology including but not limited to the topics listed above. A two-page extended abstract or complete paper must be submitted by the due date. Upon acceptance, a revised 4-8 page paper must be submitted as a PDF for publication in the Symposium Proceedings. All rights will remain with the author. Paper authors will give oral presentations during the paper sessions. Proposals for special sessions and panel discussions are encouraged and some papers may be grouped into sessions thematically. Such proposals should include topic, description and names of possible panelists/ contributors. These special sessions should address the general areas of the symposium and have potential to engage the symposium audience. Hands-on arts and technology demos and workshops Technology demonstrations and handson workshop submissions are welcome in all forms of media. These could include presentation of approaches to creative use of technology, newly emerging technologies and collaborative project development. Demonstrations can be part of specific projects and could be formatted to solicit feedback from the audience. For demonstrations we assume that the computers, peripherals, and related hardware will be provided by the presenters. The proposed activity should be outlined in a one-page abstract including lighting, power and desk/wall space requirements. Workshop proposals should clearly outline space, tools and computer requirements.
Art/Visual Media
Visual art submissions exploring the use of technology as a creative expression. We specifically solicit augmented reality, mobile-device works, digital art, web art and other technology-based or technology- oriented art forms. Also of interest are proposals for workshops, technical demonstrations, panel discussions on interactive studies and/or multi-media studies in an interdisciplinary context. Submissions must include a one-page description/abstract of the work for presentation at the symposium and relevant visual materials.
Dance compositions and theater works that incorporate technologies in meaningful ways are being solicited for performances, live demonstrations or for digitally recorded presentations. Also of interest are proposals for workshops, demonstrations of software for dance or theater notation, choreographic analysis, interactive studies and/or multi-media studies of performance in dance and theater. Acceptance of performances will depend on financial considerations as well as technical and space needs. Submissions must include a one-page description/abstract, complete technical, performance and spatial needs, plus digital media (links or upload) that show the work under consideration.
Music submissions (including composition, performance, theory, interactivity, algorithmic approaches, signal processing) are encouraged. The type of work to be submitted could be in one of many forms including works for instruments, electronic sounds and digital media, interactive performances or works for electronic sounds alone. Submissions may span the entire range from live performance to “tape only” works. Each piece should not exceed 15 minutes in length. Musicians, dancers and actors may be available for live performance pieces. Submissions are limited to two per composer and each submission must include a one-page description/abstract, complete technical, equipment and performance needs, accompanying scores (and/or recordings) as appropriate.
Screen based work (video, film and animation)
We invite submissions of short screenbased video, film or hybrid works. Submissions may take the form of, for example, experimental, documentary, video-essay, or new hybrid forms intended for onscreen viewing. (For other types of presentation such as live cinema or installation see previous categories.) Submissions may be up to 15 minutes in duration. Submissions must include a 500 word synopsis, duration, preferred screening format, credits and link (or uploaded file) to view the submission online.
Sept. 27, 2013: Commission Submission Deadline
Oct. 15, 2013: Commission Acceptance Notification
Oct. 15, 2013: General Submission Deadline
Nov. 22, 2013: General Acceptance Notification
Jan. 17, 2014: Final Paper (pdf) Submission Deadline
Feb. 23, 2014: Start of Residencies for Commissioned Works
Feb. 27, 28 and March 1, 2014: Symposium at Connecticut College
Ammerman Center for Arts and Technology
Connecticut College
270 Mohegan Avenue, BOX 5365
New London, CT 06320 US