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[INTERN] Physical Computing Mentors for High School Animation Class

Needed: mentors/advisors for high school students exploring physical computing in an animation class. The class is a very unusual public school class – it has 10 students. It meets Mon, Wed, Fri 11:38-12:23.

Hi all – this is Susan Ettenheim- I had to go on leave from ITP and even only 10 students have rapidly progressed past my one semester at ITP knowledge. We’re having a great time, but we could sure use some help!
What we need: help with building simple physical interfaces (we did a drip of Processing and we’re mostly using Scratch from MIT) – simple – buttons for a game or a slider for a screen interface, a few blinking lights…
I have makey-makey, kinect, arduino, conductive thread, a soldering iron, multimeters, lots of parts and the wilingness to get more
What we can offer: an awesome experience/internship in NYC public school, my recommendation for anything you might want to do next (I’ve been teaching 12 years), freedom and flexibility to play and learn with 14-17 year olds who are really hungry to learn, a new Makerbot Replicator 2 (working great)
Thank you!
You’re welcome to just come visit and see if it feels like a good fit. You don’t have to come to every class during the week to help us make progress!