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[GIGs] Builders / Troubleshooters, Audience Participation Interactive Gaming

This is  a paid opportunity. Our clients will be at a corporate meeting with their sales force on April 7th, and our goal here is to create an interactive experience for their North & South teams to compete against each other in. This particular event is unlikely to be too far “out of the box” (being a giant corporation and all), but I’d love to be able to build a relationship with ITP and convince my agency & our clients to do more innovative, groundbreaking work in the future.
 Our audience of several hundred attendees will control a version of the video game “Top Gear”, projected onto screens in front of them. Using colored paddles placed on their seats, they’ll be able to control the direction of the cars. Sensors at the front of the stage will detect the colors held up by the audience, and control the game. In addition to controlling the steering with the paddles, they can control the speed with audio signals – the louder they scream, the faster they go.
We’re essentially hoping to recreate something like this:
We’ll need someone to build the interactivity, troubleshoot and test it with us, and likely be on hand during the meeting in April to run the system. Please respond with capabilities, availability, and hourly/daily rates.