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[GIG] App Development, French New Wave Cinema App

From: Melanie A Hackney <>

I am working on an educational app for mobile devices and would like to hire a graduate student to develop the app and/or to collaborate on the project.

This grew out of a larger project that I began last spring. I’m working on building an educational app on the French New Wave Cinema movement that would predominantly be used for study abroad courses in Paris. The app’s main function would be a map that features New-Wave locations: the map would contain layers that the user could sift through according to director, film, type of location, etc. Clicking on a location would bring up a screen shot from the film side-by-side with a modern image of the location. Clicking on either of these will provide further information on the scene / location / filming techniques, etc. There are other functions that I would like to see as well, but this is the principle goal.
I have already completed some of the research for the content and have compiled a database of locations with about 50 photographs. I will be in Paris over the summer to photograph the rest of the locations and to continue my research. Ideally, I would like to have a prototype of the app by the end May 2015.
I will be applying for a Visual Arts Initiative grant to fund the project, and am also working on other funding sources, so I’m interested in collaboration or in hiring an app developer. Any information would be appreciated!
Thank you,

Melanie Hackney, Ph.D.

Language Lecturer

Department of French
New York University