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[JOB] Queens NGO EdTech

C4Q a nonprofit focused on fostering the tech ecosystem in Queens — the world’s most diverse community — is looking for full-time mobile instructors and project managers passionate about technology and economic mobility to join our growing team.
Our Access Code program teaches adults from low-income and minority communities to code and help them gain tech jobs and pursue entrepreneurship. Our mission is to create an tech community reflective of the diversity of Queens by empowering local residents. We’re the only non-profit focused on expanding opportunities for adults and you can read about the result of our program on Vox: A nonprofit in Queens taught people to write iPhone apps — and their incomes jumped from $15k to $72k. You can also learn more about our broader work on a recent segment of WNYC’s Brian Lehrer Show: Silicon Queens.
With the support from the Robin Hood Foundation, Google, NYC Council, and others, we are expanding the pipeline of technical talent serve the 65% of New Yorkers who don’t have college degrees, and earn less than $32,000 a year.
But to accomplish this, we need great people to pioneer this work with us. If you’re interested, check out: and feel free to drop me a line with any feedback or suggestions: