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[GIG] Coder / Developer, Sandy Storyline

Sandy Storyline is an award winning participatory documentary that collects and shares stories about the impact of the Hurricane Sandy. Sandy Storyline is seeking a volunteer coder / developer with experience in CiviCRM, SugarCRM, Salesforce or another CRM solution who can aid us in the creation of a database to manage our contacts and archive of crowdsourced content. We’re looking for someone to help short term with setup. Archiving/Library experience a plus.

About Sandy Storyline:

When Hurricane Sandy came barreling up the eastern seaboard, it impacted more than 10 million people, devastating already vulnerable coastal communities. Sandy Storyline consists of a series of character-driven short films and multimedia stories contributed by residents, volunteers and citizen journalists, shared through an immersive web experience, public installations and events. Through collaborating with the people who are experiencing the storm’s aftermath to share their cell phone images, words and voices, Sandy Storyline is democratizing how the story is covered and advancing a bold model of participatory investigation.

The nature of our new media project presents some exciting opportunities and challenges for CRM and archive management that many projects at the intersection of mediamaking and organizing are facing. We would love to have your assistance in building tools and solutions that are useful to our project as well as others.

Find out more about us at


Please send an email to Rachel Falcone at if you are interested and/or available to assist us!