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CALL: IDC17 Workshop on Interaction Design and Autistic Children

IDC 2017 Workshop on Interaction Design and Autistic Children
Stanford, CA, USA.

Workshop: 27 June 2017

Organisers: Chris Frauenberger, Katharina Spiel, Julia Makhaeva


Submission Deadline: 22 May 2017 (extended)
Acceptance Notifications: 25 May 2017
IDC Early Bird Registration Deadline: 16 May 2017


With this workshop we aim to bring together researchers who explore interactive technologies in the context of autistic children. At a point at which considerable effort has been invested in this area and results are promising, we argue that it is time to take a step back and critically reflect on our work. We do this by posing three provocative questions:

1) Are we trying to do the right thing?
2) Is it working?
3) Does it matter?

With all three questions we aim to kick-start a debate about the goals and intentions with which research is done in this area, how we define that technology is successful and how we can ensure that our research has real-world impact beyond the people directly involved.

We invite position papers (two to four pages, SIGCH Extended Abstract Format) which explore existing work through these questions. Submissions should include a brief overview of the research (past or planned), as well one paragraph reflection for each of the three questions. For more background, please see the full workshop proposal document on our webpage (

Position papers should be submitted by 9 May 2017 (12pm PDT) via email to The selection process will ensure that high quality contributions from a range of different perspectives are invited to participate. At least one author of an accepted submission is required to attend the workshop, and participants must register for both the workshop and at least one day of the main conference.