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INTERN: Civic Analytics Fellowship Opportunities at Marron (NYU)

Civic Analytics Fellowships

The Civic Analytics Graduate Student Fellowship invites up to four (4) current NYU MS or PhD students for an intensive four-month applied urban data science fellowship program at NYU’s Marron Institute.
Students are welcome from all disciplines and programs across NYU, and we seek a diversity of disciplinary training, backgrounds, and perspectives. The Fellowship projects are data-focused,so candidates with expertise in data science, machine learning, statistical modeling, spatial analysis and visualization, network analysis, etc. are encouraged to apply.
The Fellows, led by Prof. Constantine E. Kontokosta as part of the Civic Analytics Program, will work together, alongside a team of full-time researchers and PhD students in the Urban Intelligence Lab, and directly with city agencies on data analytics projects to address critical operational and policy challenges and drive positive social impact.
About the Civic Analytics Fellowship.
Fellows will work with city agencies on operational and policy challenges using data analytics to provide new insight and knowledge. Fellows will: learn about key
performance indicators and agency-specific measures of success, scope the data project and determine how data-driven analysis can result in better outcomes, assemble and integrate the data necessary for analysis, deliver outputs that help to achieve the greatest social impact while accounting for resource and institutional
constraints. Fellows will work together in small teams on moving projects from alpha to beta/live.
Fellows benefit from working closely with, but being external to, the city agencies themselves. This autonomy gives the fellows the opportunity to work on a range of potential projects and provide objective, rigorous outputs that address the problem at hand. The positioning of the Fellowship program at the Marron Institute ensures that impact-driven projects are balanced with fundamental research advanced through widely-disseminated research that is transparent and reproducible (to the fullest extent possible given data sensitivity and confidentiality requirements). Over the course of the program,
Fellows can expect to:
• Work on one (and up to three) analytics research projects with city agencies and NGOs, including the Fire Department of New York, the Department of Sanitation, the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability, the Trust for Governor’s Island, NYC311, and the Mayor’s Office of Data Analytics.
• Produce data tools, visualization, models, code, and recommendations to city agencies designed to directly impact the challenge identified for a particular project.
• Contribute to conference and journal publications and case studies.
To apply, please submit the following:
• CV
• A cover letter (no more than 1 page) summarizing your experience and training related to the above requirements, together with a statement of how the Fellowship would further your career goals and aspirations.
Application materials should be sent to no later than February 1st, 2019.
Fellows will begin mid-February and complete their work by June 15th, 2019. Compensation is $18/hour for up to 20 hours per week. Fellows will be assigned workspace (as available) at the NYU Marron Institute for their Fellowship-related activities. More information available at: