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CALL: NEW INC Shared Workspace and Incubator Program

NEW INC is the New Museum’s incubator for people working at the intersection of art, design and technology. Our Open Call is now LIVE for Year 6, which runs from September 2019 – August 2020.

We are hoping you will share our open call with your network leading up to the application deadline, April 20, 2019. If you know of candidates who would be a good fit, please let me know by completing this recommendation form:

We are currently recruiting for applicants interested in our five tracks that support artists and creative technologists working in a variety of fields. The tracks are defined as:

  • Interactive Experiences – This track is right for you if you’re working within augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality, video game design or immersive installations. The Interactive Track is similar to this year’s Immersive Experiences – with an additional call-out for games creators.

  • Ideas for the City – Along with our partner IdeasCity, we are seeking new ideas for urban and civic platforms that address education, social justice, climate change, cultural equity, and other social impact themes in a creative way. The Ideas for the City Track stems from our current Social Impact Track, with a focus on the city.

  • Creative Experiments – This track is focused on engaging creative practitioners who are exploring artificial intelligence, robotics, biotech, digital manufacturing, and other science-based areas of research through their practice. This track has special requirements and benefits.

  • Art + Code – In partnership with Rhizome, we invite artists, creative technologists, indie game designers, preservation researchers, interaction designers and others making and researching art that is born-digital to apply to be a part of this new track.

  • Museum Technology – With the support of the Knight Foundation, members of the Museum Technology track are invited to research, design and prototype accessible, off-the-shelf technology solutions. The aim of this program is to provide small and mid-sized museums with scalable means for engaging their publics. This track has special requirements and benefits.

Here is the link to the application information and FAQ about the program:

Our Open House for prospective candidates is on Tuesday, April 9, 6pm (RSVP Required).