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[TEACHING / JOB] Computer Science Tenure-Track, Connecticut College

Computer Science Tenure-Track Faculty Announcement

Connecticut College is actively seeking to strengthen its computer science program and further develop its growing interdisciplinary collaborations. The College invites applications for a tenure-track position at the assistant (preferred) or associate/full professor level to begin in August 2013. The Computer Science Department is looking for candidates with experience in visual aspects of computing, including graphics, visualization, human/computer interaction, virtual/augmented reality, animation, and other fields related to visual media. The department seeks candidates interested in interdisciplinary research, especially through programs associated with the Center for Arts and Technology or in the life sciences. The department places a great emphasis on faculty/student collaborations and research; please visit for the department’s course offerings and faculty members’ research and teaching interests. Applicants who are researchers in the visual aspects of computing will be given the highest consideration, but others with expertise in different areas of CS are also welcome. Applicants must have or be on track to receive a Ph.D. in Computer Science or related field by August 2013, a strong commitment to excellence in undergraduate teaching and research, an active research program, and the potential to conduct research in a liberal arts setting.Connecticut College is a private, highly selective institution with a demonstrated commitment to outstanding faculty teaching and research. Recognizing that intellectual vitality and diversity are inseparable, the College has embarked on a significantly successful initiative to diversify its faculty, student body and curriculum. The College seeks creative scholars excited about working in a liberal arts setting, with its strong focus on engaged teaching, participation in shared governance, and active involvement in an institution-wide advancement of diversity. AA/EEO.Tenure-track faculty members teach a 3-2 load (2-2 in the first year). In addition to providing ongoing strong support for teaching and research, the College offers the following resources for pre-tenured faculty: a summer stipend for the first two years, a supplementary research fund, and a semester’s sabbatical after a successful third-year review. Please visit our website,, for more information about the College.

Applications received by January 15, 2013 will be given full consideration. Candidates should send a letter describing teaching and research interests, a current vita, and three to four letters of reference to or to:
Dr. Gary Parker
Department of Computer Science
Connecticut College
New London, CT 06320

Additional information can be obtained by visiting or by contacting Gary Parker at or (860) 439-5208.