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I am in NYC. My organization is called Headsets and Highballs. It’s a media networking group in NYC comprised of people from all across media (mostly film and TV).  I have been running it as a monthly meeting and general email group for 3 years. We now have over 400 members and we are throwing a huge fundraiser next month for our new non profit partner,the Ghetto Film School (

The site is pretty basic aggregating media jobs and a couple of other programs (organizing a Dinner Program I am launching, our Ghetto Film School program) as well.

I have a very small amount of money that I may use to employ someone to manage the site’s maintenance.  What I can offer is access to a large group of influential media brokers.  This is certainly not a full time gig and can be done in someone’s spare time.

Front page of site is up.

Thanks for taking a look.


Adam Neuhaus
Creative Executive
Original Media
38 East 29th St., 5th Floor
New York, NY 10016
*212-683-3086, ext 256M: 860-324-2603

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