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[CALL] Collaborator Needed, Film/TV Thesis Project

Hello ITP community!

I’m a Graduate student in the Film/TV program here at NYU and I’m looking to collaborate with one of you on my thesis project.

I have a full 15 page treatment ready for you to read, but the simple synopsis is:

Taking place over a boiling hot New York summer in the year 2044, this hour long one camera television series follows two hard boiled homicide detectives as they use future technologies to hunt down a serial killer who can hack into the minds of others and convince them to commit brutal acts of murder in exchange for money and power.
[Think Se7en meets Bladerunner meets CSI]
My goal is to first create a sizzle reel/trailer to begin crowd funding the pilot episode through

Many elements of this story require special effects, including a drone who acts as a mobile lab. His advanced AI makes him a character that interacts with the other characters.

There is much more to talk about but I assume I’d be trying your patience if I wrote another paragraph. If you’re at all interested, or just want to read the treatment, please reply.

Yours in anticipation,
~Shawn Spitler