Hey Folks,
I’m currently Concept Designer at IBM’s Watson Labs in Austin, TX. Watson Labs is a special “what if” division of IBM’s cognitive computing technology centered around machine learning and natural language processing. We are doing a lot of very interesting, forward-thinking work in our labs. Think layered, 3D, futuristic. We have one more internship to space to fill and would accept the right candidate with background/ interest in the following areas:
– 3D developer /data integration specialist (preferred Unity3D experience. Processing/OpenFrameworks/ Cinder etc. also fine)
– Mobile UI developer (iOS/Android)
– UX Designer (visual design or programming hybrid is a plus)
**Please do not share this email with non-ITP students–I’m trying to limit its exposure.**
If you’re interested in either of the three areas, please send me an email ( timstutts@gmail.com ) specifying which of the three areas of that you are applying for, your resume/cv, and a link to your portfolio.