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[CALL] Fully funded PhDs in Interaction Design/ HCI for UK & EU nationals

Applications invited for fully funded PhD studentships in Interaction Design at DJCAD, University of Dundee

Socio-Digital Interaction/ Interaction Design: Digital Break-Up, Separation & Divorce

Supervised by Dr Wendy Moncur
In this PhD project, the successful candidate will examine what happens to the digital materials that serve as memory cues, and to curated online representations of self, when a long-term relationship ends through separation or divorce. Deadline for applications is 22nd August 2014.

Full details of post:



Digital Jewellery, Co-creativity and Sense of Self

Supervised by Dr Jayne Wallace

This PhD project will qualitatively investigate the potential of co-creative design methods to engage participants in the research process in new ways, and develop new forms of digital jewellery to support a participant’s sense of self. Deadline for applications is 15th August 2014.

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Interaction Design/ HCI: Second Screens for Engagement with Political Discourse

Supervised by Dr Nick Taylor

The proposed PhD project will explore the design of second screen interfaces for engagement with political television programming. Deadline for applications is 15th August 2014.

Full details of post:


These PhDs are expected to commence in October/ November 2014. Applicants should submit a CV and a two-page statement describing their interest in pursuing a PhD and their experience as it relates to the topic in the first instance to: Fiona Fyffe, Postgraduate Administrator, DJCAD.


Informal inquiries can be directed to the named supervisors above.