Seeking to partner with students who can program a prototype for a fun web based social game called PeopleGuess. PeopleGuess is social media gamified & detoxified for social media users & audiences. Here is the PeopleGuess info which includes some short explainer videos, a pitch deck, & the preliminary game design document.
You are:
Full stacker who can code a light weight mobile web prototype and wants to join a rebellion to make a mark. You desire to start something big over getting a gig somewhere. You have the call within and know you must comply. Please see the “Interface/Basic UI” section in the Preliminary Game Design Document to get a feel for the scope of the prototype.
You get:
Full partner equity (Co -founder) and an opportunity to not only join the rebellion but manage and grow the dev team.
We are:
Tom – the former CEO of Atari & creator of Hasbro Interactive plus Vince – former lead singer in a band that traveled the US for 15 years who also has worked for 3 startups.
Moving Fast:
Once we have the web prototype – Tom will bring it to Amazon & other big players to license while we test in a College market/campus.
Vince Curry
914 299 5874 Mobile