Hello All,
My oldest friend in the world is the director of The Picture House, a really great movie theatre in Pelham which has recently re-opened after a big renovation.
They need a drugal programmer to help with their website :
It doesn’t do certain things we thought/were told it would do. The beauty of it was that we would be able to make updates really easily. However certain things don’t work – the calendar, lay-out issues when we list programs (for ex, on our Now Playing” page the programs are cluttered/confusing), our drop-down menus and such. The site itself is built and programmed so we need help with enhancing functionality – do you know anyone who can do this and who will work “low bono?”
I don’t know their budget, but they are non-profit that runs close to the bone so it will be on the low end of things.
If interested please respond to Producer of Film Programs Will McCord: mccord@thepicturehouse.org
Sarah Teitler