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INTERN: Intern request studio assistant

From ITP Alum, Steve Bull
> I need a studio assistant. I’ve got a lot of stuff on the stove and
> I need help of an assistant to help deliver the goodies. There is
> DRENCH at the Melbourne Urban Screens festival in Ocgtober that
> needs promoting. There are details that require some attention for
> my TARGET sponsored closing ceremony at teen Vogue Fashion
> University event, an unusual SMS+MAX/MSP/Jitter+Cellphonia mashup.
> needs promotion as well as studio support for
> fall delivery on iPhone via GPS platform. Then there is
> Pet-pals for interested anmal lovers. The years of segments that I
> produced for Slavery in New York is scheduled to release on iTunes
> University next week (don’t tell anyone!-). And of course, there’s
> more on the back burners. The studio assistant can grab onto any
> part of tiger and have fun holding on and learn to untangle the
> ropes that tie up an independent interactive multi-meida artist ITP
> graduate practicising in NYC. I need a minimum commitment of 8-10
> hours/week. I offer $15/hr and the rate is negotiable after the
> first two weeks. Some of the work could be off site.
> Steve
> Steve Bull
> 917-912-4132