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Price Check: Hourly Rates for Flash/Server job?

Hello List-

I’m trying to figure out what the going hourly/contract rate for a job
would be. It’s kind of a two part thing:

1. Take data (in XML form) from a logger (hooked up to a solar panel
on the roof of a building in this case), run it over a private LAN to
a dedicated box that would have to be set up as a web server (setup is
part of the job).

2. Create a Flash app that will visualize the logger-data in a TBD way
(but definitely kid friendly) and publish a publicly accessible page
(served from the private box) that is also linked from the company web

Some graphic design has been settled, but asset creation will be part
of the process, as will a lot of on-site debugging.

I know the Flash people have mentioned starting at $65-$80/hr for this
kind of thing (and going up from there depending on the project), but
I have no idea what the rate for setting up the server box would be in
conjunction with the Flash app.

Thank you very much for any thoughts.
