I’m passing on this on since i’m not in the US.
It could be interesting, but predicting rings within a few seconds, as
this guy wants, isn’t really possible with asterisk. Maybe some
mobile python on series 60 phones could do the trick. Contact Paul
Lehrman (address below) for more info:
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Paul Lehrman
Date: Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 4:18 PM
Subject: timed dialing of phone numbers–can you help?
To: jennylc@gmail.com
Karen Panetta told me about your “popularity dialer” project. I’m
hoping you might be able to help me with a performance-art project
I’ve been asked to put together.
I need to write a “cellphone symphony” in which 60-100 cellphones are
made to ring at precise times. We would pre-load the cellphones with
MP3 files and distribute them to an audience in a room. I know that we
can’t get perfect timing out of rings, but if we can predict the rings
within a second or so, that would probably be fine.
This concept has been done in the past, but required huge amounts of
hardware and cooperation from local phone companies. I’m thinking now
that it can be done with a single computer and a high-speed Internet
We could probably use some help as well in designing a fast interface
for programming the phones themselves.
There is funding for this. The timeline is very short–we’re looking
at a premiere in late April.
Let me know if this is something you would be interested in working
on, and if so we can talk on the phone in the next few days.
Best regards,
Paul D. Lehrman
Coordinator of Music Technology
Department of Music
Tufts University
Medford, MA
h 781 393 4888
+ www.jennyLC.com