Hi all,Forwarding a student web dev job for a cool prof in the School o= f Social Work. Flexible/undemanding hours throughout the summer and fall–v…
Posts published in “Day: June 10, 2009”
A former student of mine is looking= for a reliable web developer to call in times of need. Contact Santia= go directly at montana_sa= ntiago@yahoo.com Begin…
just the messenger…..website: lan= guagemate.com Interaction / Web Experience Designer Co= mpanyOur company is a leader in the development of language solutions in= the field…
Begin forwarded messag= e: From: Megan Demarest &l= t;megan.demarest@nyu.edu> Date: June 9, 2009 4= :24:23 PM EDT To: itp-alumni@forums.nyu.edu= , itp-announce@forums.nyu.edu= Subject: JOB: WEB DESIGN…