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Posts published in “Day: February 1, 2011

[JOB] Senior IA

Position Summary: The Senior Information Architect is responsible for guiding and creating the information architecture of the new FA Desktop, also called 3D. The FA…

[JOB] UX Lead

Position Summary: The User Experience Lead is responsible for the management and execution of the user experience, visual design, information architecture, interaction design and usability…

[JOB] Senior Designer

Position Summary: The Senior Interactive Designer is responsible for guiding and creating the visual design of the new FA Desktop, also called 3D. The FA…

JOB: Front-end Developer – NYC

Boyle Software in Manhattan is looking for a front-end developer on a new project – needed asap!! Notes about candidates: “We are looking for skills…

INTERN: iphone/ipad apps for

Do you dream of iPhone and iPad apps in your sleep? Do you trick out your Facebook page or your blog with code? Do you…