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JOB: Mandell School Technology Teaching and Innovation Position

Mandell School Technology Teaching and Innovation Position

Mandell School is looking for a full-time technology teacher for grades 1 to 3.  We are located at 97th and Columbus in a brand new facility.  We have a highly innovative curriculum and a staff creating custom materials and pedagogy.  We are particularly focused on tablet platforms, provide our students with iPADs, and develop and publish our own learning apps.  We are looking for candidates who can connect with students, inspire them, and innovate interactive digital curriculum activities.

Stephen Lewis

Director of the Invention Lab

President Mandell Educational Publishing

Mandell School

795 Columbus Avenue

New York, NY 10025

212-222-2925 x 5409


The Invention Lab


The Invention Lab at Mandell is home to a variety of activities for elementary school and middle school students.  Generally students will come to the Invention Lab at least twice a week, plus any additional time as appropriate to their curriculum.  Activities are oriented toward building competence and confidence in problem solving, creativity, invention, mechanics and construction.  A variety of skills are developed using tools including computing devices, electronics, puzzle solving, collaborative building of systems, robotics, etc.  The Lab attempts to create an aura of magic and mystery while providing environments that are scaled to student capabilities.  Along the way, we insure that students acquire the digital and organizational skills they will need in their academic subjects, but we approach this in a way that makes sure that learning these skills involves fun and creativity.  The Invention Lab is also a showplace for inspiring things, an interactive children’s museum, and a modern equivalent of the Renaissance “cabinet of curiosities”.


Applications Currently in Development


We have a wide array of apps under development which address a broad range of learning tasks and skills.  The common thread is that they build confidence, problem solving ability, creativity and invention, while addressing these skills in all areas of learning, including math, science, language arts, music and art.  The apps will employ modalities of interaction and cooperation made possible by new mobile devices, while also addressing the huge installed base of conventional desktop and laptop machines.


Our Zoo City app is currently for sale in the app store for iPAD, iTOUCH and iPHONE.