Ken Goldberg tell us that if a candidate has a strong technical UG background (like CS) AND the ITP MPS degree, this could be considered the equivalent of a PhD — in other words an ITP alum could qualify for the position, without a doctorate.
University of California at Berkeley
Assistant Professor, New Media, Tenure Track
Application deadline: 14 Oct, 2011
The Berkeley Center for New Media seeks to hire a tenure-track
Assistant Professor with an ability to teach and initiate new research
at the intersection of media technology and media arts, to begin July
1, 2012.
Candidates should have a PhD and a track record of accomplishments in
areas such as social media, 3D video, mobile technologies, search, or
gaming. Ideal applicants should have a technical research background
with associated publications and a demonstrated engagement with
visual, narrative, or architectural arts and design, as well as a
familiarity with the critical evaluation of New Media. Applicants
should have experience with interdisciplinary collaboration with
artists, humanist scholars, architects, or designers. Applicants will
be hired in conjunction with a home department on campus, such as Art
Practice, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Architecture,
Film and Media, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Art
History, or Music.
Applicants must submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, writing
sample or scholarly papers (maximum 30 pp.), and three letters of
recommendation to: New Media Search, Berkeley Center for New Media, 426
Sutardja Dai Hall, MC 1758, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720.
Please refer potential reviewers to the UC Berkeley statement of
confidentiality found at
Applications must be postmarked by Oct. 14, 2011.
The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
Employer. UC Berkeley is committed to addressing the family needs of
faculty, including dual career couples and single parents. The Berkeley
Center for New Media is interested in candidates who will contribute to
diversity and equal opportunity in higher education through their
teaching, research, and service.
For questions please contact:
Susan Miller, Associate Director
Berkeley Center for New Media
UC Berkeley
426 Sutardja Dai Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-1758
510 495 3505 [o]
415 269 9729 [m]