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Posts published in “Day: January 23, 2012

[JOB] Interactive Graphic Designer, MegaPhone Labs

MegaPhone Labs is a Manhattan-based startup that designs and develops interactive TV applications. Our apps let tens of thousands of simultaneous viewers use their phones/PCs…

[GIG] Video Artist for Dance MFA Project

Dear ITP students, By way of introduction, my name is Erin Bomboy and I am a second year Dance MFA candidate at NYU, Tisch School of…

[JOB] Web Developer Web Developer Tenthwave is a more personal full-service digital agency specializing in social marketing, digital strategy, website design and development, SEO and search, promotions,…

[GIG] basic programming help

Looking for basic programming help for the website described in this proposal:  This site is the only site that is: of by and for the…