[GIG] Web-based Renewable Energy Data Visualization, Arup SFArup San Francisco is seeking talented freelancer(s) to provide programming support to development of interactive online visualization tool for 100% renewable energy supply to a major city. Final software selection tbd, but may include HTML5, javascript, flash. Work with international and national best practices team on a real world project. Freelancer would be expected to:
- provide input on suitable software for achieving the project goals
- provide software programming (beta and final versions)
Facility with data structures, html5, javascript, flash, and excel are necessary along with a graphics eye and familiarity with interaction design. The calculation ‘engine’ is in excel and will need linking to the web interface (either indirectly or via re-creation).
Schedule is short. All work to be completed by June 30, 2012. Immediate start. Compensation and role are negotiable.
Inspiration includes NYT Buy Rent Calculator, SF Urban Eco Map, WorldOMeters, Timeline, I
mperial Blood Pressure Visualization , NewsMap and Crimespotting . We want to do better than this: UK Climate Calculator, Hong Kong Carbon Calculator.
Cole Roberts, cole.roberts@arup.com
[GIG] Web-based Renewable Energy Data Visualization, Arup SF
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