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[JOBs] Multimedia Faculty & Video Faculty, BMCC CUNY

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Teaches introductory courses in Multimedia, Web Design, and Introduction to Contemporary Media and in at least one area of media production including interactive media or animation.  Participation in college, department and professional activities, such as curriculum development, grant writing, assessment, faculty development, and mentoring student projects expected.
Ph.D. or MFA/MPS in the appropriate field and college teaching experience required.  For Associate Professor and Professor, the candidate must have a record of significant achievement in the field.  Demonstrated technical proficiency and expertise in at least one area of media production including interactive media or animation required.
Assistant Professor:  $42,873 – $74,133
Associate Professor:  $55,602 – $88,418
Professor:  $68,803 – $106,071
Teaches introductory level media courses such as Scriptwriting and Introduction to Contemporary Media and in at least one area of media production such as:  Digital Video Production, Television, Audio, Digital Graphics, Video Graphics, or Animation.  Participation in college, department and professional activities, such as curriculum development, grant writing, assessment, faculty development, and mentoring student projects expected.  Productive scholarship is expected.
Ph.D. or MFA/MPS in the appropriate field and college teaching experience required.  For Associate Professor and Professor, the candidate must have a record of significant achievement in the field.  Demonstrated technical proficiency and expertise in at least one area of media production including: Digital Video Production, Television, Audio, Digital Graphics, Video Graphics, and Animation required.
Assistant Professor:  $42,873 – $74,133
Associate Professor:  $55,602 – $88,418
Professor:  $68,803 – $106,071