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[GIG] Hiring HackStars – Kaplan EdTech Accelerator, Powered by TechStars

You’re a brilliant developer, a great designer, a UX star, you can execute like mad, sling top-quality code with the best of them, or turn pixels into perfection, and you’ve always wanted to go through an accelerator program like TechStars… but you just don’t have a team or idea. Dilemma! Until now…

Enter HackStars.

The Kaplan EdTech Accelerator companies need an extra technical hand to help them do more faster during the program. Hackstars are highly-skilled software developers and designers that would love to work with the companies and go through the accelerator program.  Plus, you get paid for the program (just like the founders) and most HackStars ultimately land a job or co-founder status with one of the startups. What a great way to hack into the Kaplan EdTech Accelerator!

Do you meet this profile?

  • You’re a a code-slinging mac-daddy superstar guru at PHP, Java, .NET, Python, Objective-C, Ruby, JQuery, or design/UI/UX.
  • You can design, cut and code efficiently and brilliantly
  • You want to learn all about startups and funding from our mentors.
  • You want to work side-by-side with some of the country’s most promising new founders and young companies in the edtech space.
  • You live in a NYC, or are willing to relocate for the program and are willing to dedicate 100% of your time during the program.

You’ll be compensated $6,000 if you’re selected.  It’s a chance to get an amazing experience, broaden your network in ways you could never imagine, and get exposure to some of the greatest up and coming companies and teams in the country.

Kaplan EdTech Accelerator:

Learn more about the Kaplan EdTech Accelerator, powerd by TechStars here.

The Program runs from June 18, 2013 through September 11, 2013. The Kaplan EdTech Accelerator is held in Kaplan’s New York office, a state-of-the-art facility located in a prime location in Manhattan’s West Village neighborhood.