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[INTERN] Internship for Poetics | a visual poetry app

Hello, I’m a Soho-based artist seeking a fall intern from ITP.
This July, I released a visual poetry app for iPhone called Poetics, based on 5 years previous work with physical, interactive text installations:

Currently there are 3000+ users in 95 countries.  It’s a two person team, myself with concept/design and a programmer.  The project was a successful Kickstarter and is now the only arts-based project within the NYU / Poly Incubator program.

The internship will focus on conceiving and executing outreach for the app, generally and with a few projects / shows upcoming that will make use of the app.

Ideally you have interest & skills, or are eager to learn in the following areas:

* Art world, esp tech arts, poetry, and photography
* App world, esp photo & video apps, Apple-related, App Store and the general landscape
* Communicating with diverse people, including artists, poets, academics, press, and avg joe and jane
* Building audience, interaction, and interest around a dynamic creative project
We can sculpt the internship based on cross section of project needs and your interests/skills.
The internship is officially unpaid, but should things continue to grow, I will happily provide a stipend for your help in this early stage.
If interested, I’d appreciate a cover letter, link(s) to your work, and a CV.  And please feel free to ask any questions.
Seth Indigo Carnes
Reference site for my past and current work: