Summer Math Instructor for Talented, Underserved Students
This summer, change the lives of talented 7th-grade students from underserved backgrounds: teach them what mathematics really is.
The Summer Program in Mathematical Problem Solving, a project of the Art of Problem Solving Foundation, is seeking instructors for a program that gives everyone a chance to excel in mathematics. Faculty design and teach their own courses to bright but underserved middle school students. Courses can be pure math (such as number theory, combinatorics, graph theory, etc.); applied math (such as circuit design, astrophysics, or programming); or problem solving (both contest-based and more general). Our students have tremendous potential and a strong ability for abstract reasoning, but they have not had the same training as more affluent peers, and this is their chance to achieve at the highest levels. They are devoted, doing seven hours of math per day (and loving it).
All instructors must be available July 3 through July 30 and must be available to prepare their classes prior to the program. We will provide mentorship, textbooks, and other resources as needed. We are looking for those with an exceptional mathematics background and strong teaching experience. Experience with summer programs, informal learning environments, mathematics competitions, or underserved students a plus.
This job will take place on one of two college campuses outside of New York City. You will be working at either Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, NY or Siena College in Loudonville, NY. Housing, food, and transportation will be provided in addition to a salary.
Send an e-mail to to receive specific application questions and more information about the position. You can also visit our website: