Assistant Professor, Creative Technologies, College of Engineering and Applied ScienceThe ATLAS Institute at the University of Colorado Boulder seeks a polymath tenure-track faculty member in the area of creative technologies. The successful candidate will establish and lead a high-risk, high-payoff research group in the ATLAS Institute, produce internationally recognized creative work, and develop relationships and collaborate with industry sponsors as well as colleagues from diverse disciplines. Full-time instructor for the Technology, Arts & Media (TAM) program:The Technology, Arts & Media (TAM) program is housed at CU-Boulder’s interdisciplinary ATLAS Institute. The program is hiring a full-time instructor position to teach within our dynamic and diverse technical and creative academic programs. We’re looking to attract a candidate who is adept at technology, but more than a technologist; who understands the industrial reality of technology, but whose practice expands beyond it; who views technology as a tool in their creative work and research, but seeks out unorthodox and unique approaches. In short, we welcome and encourage candidates who think creatively, critically and conceptually about technological practices to apply. The ATLAS Institute (Alliance for Technology, Learning, and Society) was formed in 1997 with the goal to integrate information technology for all disciplines, people and communities. One of the University of Colorado’s eleven Institutes, ATLAS is now affiliated with the College of Engineering and Applied Science, which houses its academic programs. ATLAS is entering a phase of evolution and growth, with the goal of further establishing itself as a national leader in innovation. These positions are the first of several that ATLAS plans to fill in the coming few years, building a faculty concentration in creative technologies.The University of Colorado Boulder is a comprehensive public research university serving over 30,000 students with Colleges of Law, Music, Arts & Sciences, Business, Education, and Engineering and Applied Science. Boulder, Colorado (573.6 km from the geographic center of the USA, at the eastern edge of the Rocky Mountains) enjoys breathtaking beauty and outdoor opportunities, excellent eating, and a superlative and supportive startup community. Boulder is the home of notable creative technology companies, including Sparkfun Electronics, Orbotix, and Modular Robotics Incorporated.
[JOB / TEACHING] Asst Prof, Creative Technologies, College of Engineering and Applied Science (Boulder)
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