Submissions are now open to the Arts Exhibition tracks of ACM Designing Interactive Systems 2023. The conference will return to in-person conference programming and will be hosted by Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA; July 10-14, 2023. For those who cannot attend in person, there will be opportunities to present online and engage with conference goers.
For more information on the The ACM SIGCHI Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) – see;
Arts Exhibition
Due: April 5, 2023, 11:59 pm AoE
This year’s ACM DIS Art Exhibition circles round the creation of artworks that symbolically, aesthetically, experientially recognize the need for distributed agency and enlivened accountability. This track intends to attract diverse artworks, creative inquiry, and arts-inclusive practices that emphasize inter-, trans- and anti-disciplinarity and bring awareness to decolonial thinking and making. In coordination with the DIS 23 theme of resilience, we encourage submissions of critical and experimental approaches to the art-making as well as, its contexts. The DIS 23 Arts Exhibition will combine both a physical space for experiencing works and an online selection for exhibition. Selected digital works will also be shown within the exhibition space in Pittsburgh. Full information can be found at:;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!bK_xFRWF5I9RHd6vuqn8UL_asJO-g3fdCuvxKXsUVtNYQ-WamiM0Pb63S526oL–oGDFc_fJ2UGhjvqJtjpb4oO4aQ$
Arts Exhibition Chair –
Grisha Coleman, Northeastern University, MA, USA