In our ongoing effort to ramp up and better serve the network needs of our dynamic and still growing ITP, IMA and new Low Residency programs, we are pleased to announce that a new full-time administrative technical position has just been approved — see below. Applications are now being accepted.
This new staff member will work directly under Shawn Van Every and work closely with Yen and Lenin. The Senior Information Technology Manager will be not only be our in house “IT” person, they will help to create a strategy for our network infrastructure.
If you know someone who may be a strong candidate for this position, by all means forward along the position announcement and application link.
Details below:
Senior Information Technology Manager
Design, plan, implement, administer, and maintain departmental infrastructure and software including database, web servers, and applications. Work with Faculty, NYU IT, Tisch IT, other departmental Administrators to meet infrastructural needs. Manage and direct the overall and day to day efforts of a small number of developers, designers, and student workers. Execute and develop project plans, goals, and business process analysis. Identify resources required for complex information technology projects. Create and implement online learning platforms. Manage budget for network services, servers, related software licensing, and other service fees.