> ARTIST****************
> POSITION: Two consultancy positions available for a game programmer
> and animator/graphic artist.
> COMPENSATION: $40/hr up to $15,000 (cash) for the year (June 1,
> 2008-June 1, 2009)
> PROJECT: Programming and animation for a multi-player, online
> educational game for learning Latin (Grades 8-12). The game traces
> levels of Latin language and culture through an interactive
> environment and the programmer will preferably have educational
> game design and youth education experience. Programming platform to
> be decided. This is an excellent part-time (cash) project to
> supplement other work.
> LOCATION: San Francisco preferable, but NYC based game programmers
> and animators also welcome!
> QUALIFICATIONS: This is the final project for a Stanford high
> school student. Consultants will be comfortable working with youth
> and youth education, in addition to having game design and/or
> animation experience. Please submit a CV and website link to
> portfolio and sample work to the email below. Interviews to be held
> by phone and in person in New York City, Thursday, May 15th and
> Friday, May 16th.
> Best to all with your creative work and projects!
> Kind regards,
> Jessica Behm
> Director, CITYatwork
> URL: http://www.cityatwork.org
> Email: jessica@cityatwork.org