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JOB: short-term posting for web / sustainability position at NYU campus job

>> Immediate Temp Opportunity for Sustainability!
>> The NYU Sustainability Office is seeking a talented eco-minded
>> student to assist sustainability staff with website support and
>> design Work will require
>> familiarity with HTML and PHP coding, but involves only limited
>> creation of new content (mostly updating page content,
>> troubleshooting, etc.).
>> Part-time work, hours very flexible. Can (and ideally will) start
>> ASAP. Short-term needed (2-4 weeks) but could potentially grow
>> into year-long position with broader responsibilities related to
>> technology, research and sustainability policy.
>> Interested applicants should send a short email with resume to
>> Jeremy Friedman at
>> Thanks,
>> Jeremy Friedman
>> Project Administrator,
>> NYU Sustainability Task Force
>> (212) 998-1073
>> “… it is necessary to think like an ecosystem.”
>> – Douglas P. Wheeler